Across the water, her clothes billow in wind and fog.
Poised at the ready she whistles for beastly prey.
“Popo” an Electric Studios Original is the first in a series of bespoke animations from us: the creative studio nestled within Electric Theatre Collective. The starting point was simple, we’d designed the dreadful Kraken as concept art, then having fallen in love with the beast decided we just had to build a story around it.
It's a Sushi Western, a bleached aesthetic that combines high-detail illustration with intensely sketched moments of movement. We cut our coat to our cloth, containing the process, reducing cel animation cost and using this sparsity of look to give things a fresh visual direction. Big shout out to King Lear for the perfect soundtrack to our visual mayhem! With a team formed from our in-house crew and trusted freelance collaborators it was a true labour of love that (in fairness) took a little longer than planned, but hey like the best Tako good things come to those who wait.
“Popo” is the work of a team of artists who love what they do, and that love saturates every frame.
Directed by Chiara Sgatti & Electric Studios
Creative Director - Geoff Parsons
Executive Producer - Ben Honour
Producer - Naima Souza Vogt
Lead design & compositing - Marina Nakagawa
Lead animator - Chiara Sgatti
Lead cleanup & Colour - Bebe Ogloza
Cleanup - Mathias Lemaitre-Sgard
Compositors - Marcos Fernandes & Domhnall Malone
Grade - Electric Colour
Colourist - Andi Chu
Sound design - Diana Amado
Music & Sound - King Lear
Credit Track Composition - Myke Dunn - Regen Audio